Design facilitation in professional practice

Facilitation styles and implications

Active project
Participants: Professional designers and other professionals engaged in design facilitation

We are conducting a qualitative study to understand how professionals or professional designers facilitate co-design in the industry. Based on this specific question, additional sub-questions include: 1) What are the required competencies for design facilitators? 2) How do facilitation styles or approaches influence creativity, strategy, and commitment? 3) How does facilitation influence the agency of stakeholders? and 4) How does design education prepare designers for facilitation? These questions are essential for designing and delivering future collaborative projects between industry and academia.


  • In-depth interviews
  • Case study
  • Quantitative content analysis


  • Zheng, W., Mejía, G. M. & Henriksen, D. (under review). Directing, cooperating, and suggesting in co-design: design facilitation processes, styles, and competencies.
  • Zheng W., Mejía, G. M. & Cortés, C. (working paper). An Exploratory Study of Design Facilitation Skills in the US Job Postings.
  • Zheng, W. & Mejía, G. M. (working paper). Facilitation of co-design in the industry.