Sustainable design practices

Systematic Literature Review

Completed: 2022
Sponsor: ASU's Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts - HIDA

While the need for sustainable design is broadly accepted in academia and the industry, little is known about how designers incorporate sustainable thinking, approaches, evidence, and processes in their practice. The purpose of this research study is to identify how designers incorporate sustainability in their practices. The researchers conducted a systematic literature review. The understanding of good practices in design for sustainability will benefit society because recommendations and models will be available for other designers and educators. Other researchers in this project included Daniel Fischer (Co-PI), Julia Silver, and Michelle Fehler.


  • Systematic literature review


  • Journal article.
    Mejía, G. M., Fischer, D., Silver, J., Xie, Y., & Fehler, M. (2022). How do professional designers engage with sustainability? A systematic literature review.